LUMIX Festival for young visual journalism

project management / artist support / program direction / communications

video cut by Paul Hartinger


In addition to my own photographic work, I got involved with the LUMIX Fesival for young visual journalism and was fortunate to shape the festival for the last years.

First, in 2016, I was curios about exhibition printing and wanted to learn the skill for my own work. For the next edition in 2018, I joined the organizing team and focused on the ‘Container Village’, which is a big part of the programme alongside the exhibitions and lectures. In 2020, when the physical festival had to be canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic, I was part of the team that transformed the festival into the digital space.

In close connection to the study programme ‘Photojournalism and Documentary Photography’ at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover, the festival will be directed at the YOUNG, SOCIALLY COMMITTED VISUAL JOURNALISM OF THE 21ST CENTURY which actively examines political, cultural, social, ecological and technological processes.

As an ‘off-festival’ inside the festival, the Container Village tries to foster dialogue among experts, specialists and amateurs. It aims to mediate between the content, its creators and the accompanying discourse.


The Container Village is the heart of the Expo Plaza

Photo by Ole Spata